Friday, 17 January 2014


The Praxinoscope is an improvement to the zeotrope.  It was invented in 1877 by Charles-emile Reynaud. It worked a similar way to the zeotrope in that it worked using a strip of images places inside a spinning cylinder, but instead of using slits it worked through the use of mirrors in the centre allowing the pictures to appear more still in there position as the wheel turned, as the viewer could look at the reflection in the mirror rather then through the narrow strips as they spun the wheel.

The Projecting Praxinoscope invented by the same man in 1889 is one of my favourite early forms of animation, as it allowed an audience to view the images on a wall or in a theatre meaning the illusion could be shared by a larger group of people. A longer roll of images could also be used meaning more of a story could be told, although the Photographic film projector was invented not long after meaning its success was short lived.

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