Wednesday, 16 October 2013

first use of a graphics tablet in photoshop, trying manipulation and other techniques.

First attempt at doing a drawing using a graphics tablet, experimenting with the different brush strokes that can be used. I found it hard to get used to the texture, and could not get the hang of colouring in. In many ways it was also alot easier to draw and get the shapes right, as also erasing mistakes was alot simpler.

Here we tried manipulation of a picture, which i found quite difficult as photoshop and me have never got along. was reminded of alot of old techniques and realised i just need alot of practice! I flipped the image of wall-e here and jazzed him up a bit by taking sections from the image, copying them and moving them around. i learnt how to add opacity to the image adding depth to the repeated wall-e on the right. 

I tried to draw another character using colour, Dont ask me why an ant.. in my head i felt it was relevant. It slightly worked, the colours i think look nice but need practice if i want to get it right when drawing more detailed things. i just went a bit crazy with the colours and teeth etc ruining my little guy a tad.

I attempted to add the ant to the image but struggled a lot as i could not work out at the time how to change the size or the proportions of the ant, let alone add shadows!
But i did manage to add some starts

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