Monday, 11 November 2013

Photography induction

We had a photography induction and was asked to consider the shot framing and composition, depth of field and lighting, shutter speed and aperture settings and how they may have an effect on our photographs we were asked to take for these two sessions. 

contrast and lighting is what i was working with here trying to get the light balance right along with playing around with the IOS settings and aperture. we also used a (something table thing) to learn about behind lighting and illuminating out objects.

Here i played a little more with aperture, trying to get focus on just my clowns face which i found hard to manually focus whilst holding the camera so close. it would be alot easier if i had put my camera back on the tripos but i found it easier to find the angles by doing it this way and increasing the shutter speed in order to decrease shake, and increase the sharpness of the photo.

Here again we used a grey card in order to manually add white balance. we also played with filters in order to add shapes and different tones to our pictures. the one used on fiona was mean to give a slight window effect, which could be used in lighting in stop motion. 

grey card used to get the colours right, which helped when photographing the fabric, allowing in the shades and colours of the fabric and other objects i photographed. I also photographed most the images in raw, apart from the bottom three in order to allow for a fast shutter speed. 

To the left is before we used the reflector in order to balanced the colours with the grey card, and on the right is how using it managed to balance the white balance in the room and using the lights on the subject.

I turned off raw images here in order to get a fast shutter speed and capture the object in mid air, and capture the movement. 

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