Sunday 10 November 2013

Pixilation - predator and prey

PIXILATION - predator and prey

pixilation, incomplete but best out of the two from Bex on Vimeo.

we were asked to explore one of the following relationships

  • Predator - Prey
  • Host - Parasite
  • Parent - Child

This is my final pixilation, well half of it as the weather conditions affected its completion although i do have a complete pixilation that did not turn out how i liked towards the bottom of the page.

Pixilation is only pixilation when a person is used, to make them look almost puppet like and animated. It uses the same techniques and ideas as stop motion uses. 

I decided against using an egg and went with a carton and a glass instead which seemed to work well. I learnt alot about timing and movement from this project and will hopefully re-film this pixilation or soon create a new one that will hopefully turn out more successful and i will work out before filming what timings i need and story board the movements a little better, and realise again for next time the importance of lighting. 

Pixilation complete, but should be re-done. from Bex on Vimeo.

I  research about parasite and there host to see exactly what they looked like and how they often affected each other, i also looked at bacteria and there alien like shapes to help me decide how i could go about filming anf planning out my pixilation. i decided to go with how the parasite can look but go with the tittle predator and pray rather then parasite but i am still a little undecided.

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