Thursday 29 January 2015

L3.0 - Isart Digital

L3.0 aka lee the robot is a lonely robot in paris (i think) during an apocalyptic time where no living human is about and about him trying to find a friend and company. It is beautifully animated done with the character living and animated within a real environment. The animation is really crisp , especially the detail on the butterfly is beautiful. I particularly like the robots movements, especially when he is swinging his legs on the chair. The eyes work well helping poetry the emotion with just the eyes, eyebrows and body language.

The colours really stand out well, with very recognisable items within the house hold making you relate, it does make you sad as the robot resembles a small boy, which naturally makes you feel for his loneliness as no one should leave a child all alone.. poor lee. But again the butterfly is really beautiful, with such gorgeous fluttering.

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