Wednesday 21 January 2015

Maya - Modelling skills exercise

Here is my first attempt at creating a model using maya, in this exercise we got given a small wooden truck to copy in maya in order to practice and learn how to use the modelling soft ware. Because of the simple shapes of the truck i didn't find this to difficult to model as not much manipulation was needed.

The lighting was quite easier to understand, we used the spotlights  allowing me to quickly create 3 point lighting to illuminate the model truck.

I found colouring a bit hard to understand at first, or more understanding the different textures and metallic surfaces but once i got the hand of it a little bit and realised you can save the set textures and colours made it a whole load easier, although this is a simple model so not sure how i will find adding colours and textures to a more complex model. 

I was playing around about with the flooring, with the shine, playing with the size of the checker board flooring and playing with size, you can see here i properly made the whole bit a tad to large, making the truck look like it is in an almost infinite space.

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