Friday 18 July 2014

BBC FOUR original Ident idea

so my idea was to do with jazz music and i wanted a sleek movement of the instruments slowly appearing in each section in neutral coloured sections, as if being drawn.. i tried to hand draw them out but it didnt look high quality enough for the channel so i decided to try again on flash... before i realised i couldn't understand flash and none of the tutorials were teaching me what i wanted..

i feel like i will need to do this on photoshop or try hand drawing it again, although i have a few other ideas i have now jumped a little to, so ill do a post on them soon and let you know how thats going.

this (although its on its side) is kind of how i wanted it to look once they all appeared on the screen.. if i could make the lines clean i think it would work really well! so i may try again on a different program when i get a new graphics cable and see how that pans out.


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