Friday 1 August 2014

Bottle - Ident reasurch

What i like about this animation is how they used what was available to them, sticking with natural materials like sand and snow and still tells a story, almost a love story. I like how they masked the sea and backgrounds to try make the movements more fluid on the beach with the sea even though there is stop motion going on, this must have been harder with the snow animating as the water is a bit more choppy, and there is alot more problems with the light constantly changing, probably due to the snow. although i quite like it, how you can see the sand movie and the light changes. i do think its a very charming film, and really cleverly made even if the ending is a bit sad.

I like how they didnt use a complicated set, i looked at this for reasurch as i wanted to see how i could try using things i can find around me to create an animation, i thought about doing that for the BBC four animation but we shall see what i end up creating.

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