Friday 1 August 2014

Ident research - Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon Idents from Lucas Zanotto on Vimeo.

NICKELODEON IDs from Jules Guerin on Vimeo.

I has a look at some recent nickelodeon idents. I really like the first one and how each illustration interacts with a 'real' object that we all recognise which i find very appealing. they are also very funny and quick with a quick funny ending.

what i love about the second one is the colours, and how they flow into one another, the bold and fun like paint focusing on a pin ball machine, which helps to explain why it goes through such a crazy route, as im sure in the past i have looked at the amazing, all the monsters in them, different themed machines, also keeping with a fast pace, before finally bouncing into the logo.

i like the simplicity of the first, although the second to me is something that inspired me more when contemplating doing an ident for E4 or the Cbebbies channel. i want to improve on photoshop and using my graphics tablet so i can create such fun shapes and sharp colours.

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