Sunday 3 August 2014

PIZZA - reasurch

Pizza from Ross Phillips on Vimeo.

Both these animations art by ross phillips, one being a repetitive animation of a dog grabbing some pizza off a table, Its the simple movements, lasting 15 seconds, and starting and ending in the same place so it is possible to be put on a loop (imagine how many pizza slices that dog gets to eat).

Its simple and effective so could be a good style for idents, which you can see below he has also done idents for E4 making him perfect to look at. I looked at another short film he did also about the 'future of mobility'. I really like the way he animates, the colour he uses and his smart character designs. alot is said or happens with not using to much detail. even in the future of mobility the animation went perfectly with the narration to visually explain what was trying to be said in a very clear manner.

E-sting from Ross Phillips on Vimeo.

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