Sunday, 3 August 2014

Future of Mobility - resurch

Arup - Future of Mobility from Ross Phillips on Vimeo.

This is a short film helping to promote sustainable transportation, with very clear imagery to get the message across. and showing how we can improve the way we et from one place to the next in the most cost effective, time efficient and in a sustainable manner. Simple shapes are used , and vibrant bold colours. It is very clear, with interesting, clear characters and very visually pleasing with a lot of repetitive animation, which i really intrigued by at the moment.

The colours and the shapes used also change when it swaps between the urban like and the more eco friendly way, making it more lively and less busy using brighter colours to try and go with the positive feel of that part of the animation. I need to look into layers, with a set background that i can move, and move the main characters around the background set. i wanted to look at this to see also how i could animate someone cycling a bike.

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