Where are you drawing?
I am drawing around durham city, back where i live up north, around leeds and in my friends home.
Why have you chosen to draw there?
Durham because its beautiful, and the cathidral especially. The courtyard is a place i love so really wanted to get some sketches in from there. Leeds because although i have been here a while there are alot of beautiful buildings i havnt stopped and properly looked at so i thought this would give me a chance to really look at the city i live in. A friends house as you never really pay much attention to whats there and this was a new place for me so i thought it would be good to really look at the way they have there home.
What are you expecting to see, what is of interest to you?
I am expecting to see more detail in the buildings and things around me, see the work that was put in and appreciate my surroundings more. the small details are of great interest to me once there noticed and appreciated.
What do you think you are going to draw whilst there, (a vista that can be zoomed into with a camera, an interior scene, stairs, lifts???) stairs, stone work, public places meaning having to draw outlines of people possibly.
How are you going to draw? (Are you going to do a series of short observational drawings, make notes about the sights, sounds smells, conversations, actions, movements and interactions of people, take photographs and refer to them later?) i did a mixture depending on the time i want to take photos of the places also for later reference incace i want to add detailing or colours.
What media are you going to use?
a mixture of media as thats something i want to explore further.
What about light, shadow, colour, texture, shape, composition, perspective.? How can these be used as storytelling devices. they all help set the mood of a scene, exaduration could be added in a film, maybe duller colours and shadows for an eary part of an animation, but the same scene could use bright colours and get a very different feel to the story.
Are there famous/infamous stories about the spaces that you already know?
Yes, the courtyard in durham cathedral has a few stories, one main one being that a few scenes from harry potter were filmed there, they also protect local bats that live in the courtyard.