Thursday, 20 March 2014

Joe Luratos - street art

Joe Luratos uses his artwork as a way to explore and document his own personal experiences by places miniature figures all over the urban landscapes to create a dialogue between his world and the world in which these figures are seem to live in.

"They are the questions I have, the conclusions drawn, the love, disgust, joy and sadness contained. Essentially, I paint what I know...or what I'm trying to understand."

The pieces no matter the size are left in public spaces, and left to interact with there environment and community. He hopes each piece will establish an intimate connection with the viewer in the "here-and-now".

I wanted to look at his work not only because of the strong meaning and messages behind the pieces but also because of there animated characteristics feeling almost alive, how they really do seem to interact with there environment. they almost feel alive as if they are waiting for something. They are also a good example of life drawing and a brief we did where we looked at movement and how the body looks when for example it is pushing a force or even just at rest in a particular position Lurato has managed to capture the essence of this in his work, managing to capture how they must feel and the possible thoughts running through the characters heads. 

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