Thursday, 27 March 2014

Set, series and sequence

 For this brief we were first given a word randomly and asked to produce 32 images relating in some way to that word. Below are a few of the images I drew as I was given the word 'fish', I tested out different materials and tried to think of different ways to show the word, along with thinking how the smell may look, a close up of the eye or maybe fish eggs, then also looking at foods or fisherman anything that seemed to relate to the word in some way.

We were then asked to pick one of the images from our set of 32 and create a series of 8 images from it, below are only 6 of them as 2 have not been scanned in. With this we were asked to explore the different ways, and different drawing techniques we could use to create the set. I enjoyed using water colour and ink most of all.
I then had to create a 12 frame story board using my character, so I decided to keep it simple and do a small animation of the angler fish catching its pray. I would have liked to re, work the story board and add more directing which I would do if I decide to animate it especially.


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