Thursday 20 March 2014

Little Monkey - Dalkhafine

Little monkey is a beautiful student animation by Dalkhafine when she graduated, although she has produced a number of animations since this. The first thing that stands out when watching this animation is the colours used, along with the textures. It is a very mesmerising piece about a young monkey being initiated by his master into adulthood, where he has to fight fire which is a metaphor for his fear of growing up. It is beautifully done and very charming, full of movement and beautiful characters styled in a very native way, following styles used within asia.

Along with the colours the story its self is very simple and effective using little speech and using mostly symbolism to to help explain the story on something we all have often feared and had to overcome.
The set design is beautiful, simple and full of colour which is something i would love to look more at in the future and how symbols can stand for so much.

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